Call for clinical workshops & oral presentations at the Pain, Mind & Movement: Applying science to the clinic Satellite Meeting of the 17th World Congress on Pain   March 16th, 2018

​The scientific committee of the Pain, Mind & Movement: Applying Science to the Clinic satellite meeting welcomes submissions for oral presentations and clinical workshops. The satellite meeting is organized by the special interest group (SIG) on Pain, Mind and Movement of the International Association for the Study of Pain. It will be an exciting international, interdisciplinary event focusing on pain, the mind, and body movement. The satellite meeting will include keynote lectures from world leaders (Marco Loggia and Adriaan Louw) and ample opportunity for researchers to present their cutting-edge work. 

One of the aims of the SIG is to facilitate the translation of evidence into clinical practice and to mediate the implementation of new diagnostics and treatments. This Satellite Meeting aims to address that aim through Clinical Workshops. Each Clinical Workshop will have a clear clinical focus within an evidence based perspective. The workshops will have little didactic lecturing, with the emphasis being on skills training, case studies and demonstrations. Evidence-based learning directly applicable to the clinical setting – doesn’t that sound like fun!

The Oral presentations will also take on a slightly different format. Presentations will be very short (3 minutes) followed by 3 minutes for questions and discussion. This gives us the opportunity to hear from 10 different speakers in one hour, a perfect opportunity for you or your students to present new work. Perhaps if you intend to submit a poster of your work to the World Congress, you might like to make an oral presentation on it at the Satellite Meeting. 

All proposals must be submitted online by April 1, 2018, via the Call for Proposals system. Please observe the following general guidelines:

  1. English is the official language of the congress. All submissions must be written in English. 
  2. The organizer of a clinical workshop must be member of the IASP SIG on Pain, Mind and Movement. Interested in becoming a member? 
  3. The call for abstracts (oral presentations) is open to members of IASP SIG on Pain, Mind & Movement. Each author is allowed to submit a maximum of 2 abstracts. 
  4. Clinical workshops can be defined as workshops with a clear clinical focus and an evidence-based perspective, but with very little lecturing (maximum of 20% of the allocated time) and an emphasis on skills training, case studies, demonstrations, etc. Clinical workshops are 1.5 hours long and include a maximum of 3 presenters plus the session moderator (no more than 4 authors in total). 

Clinical workshop proposals must include the following information:

  1. Proposed title of the session
  2. Name of proposed session organizer and speakers, including:
    1. Professional information (individual title, institution name)
    2. Contact information for organizer and speakers (complete mailing address, telephone number, email address)
    3. IASP membership number (organizer only) 
    4. Proposed title of each speaker's presentation
    5. Clinical workshop abstract of no more than 500 words. Abstracts should be unstructured and should adhere to the following reference style: 

number references in order of appearance; place reference numbers between square brackets in text; do not write references in full, but instead use the following format for the reference list: Williams et al. Br J Anaesth. 2015;115(4):621-8.

  1. Educational objectives of session: 3 statements completing this sentence: "Upon completion of this session, attendees will..."
  2. Strategies to be used to obtain the education objectives (e.g. skills training, case studies, demonstrations, etc.).
  3. Short bio of no more than 150 words for each presenter and session moderator.

Abstracts (oral presentations) must include the following information:

  1. Proposed title 
  2. Name of proposed speaker, including:
    1. Professional information (individual title, institution name)
    2. Contact information (complete mailing address, telephone number, email address)
    3. IASP membership number, if applicable
    4. Structured abstract of no more than 350 words, adhering to the following format:
      1. Title
      2. Introduction
      3. Methods
      4. Results
      5. Discussion
      6. Conclusion
      7. References (number references in order of appearance; place reference numbers between square brackets in text; do not write references in full, but instead use the following format for the reference list: Williams et al. Br J Anaesth. 2015;115(4):621-8. The reference list is excluded from the word count.)


April 1, 2018: Deadline for call for abstracts and clinical workshops

April 2018: Scientific Program Committee reviews proposals, determines scientific content for congress

May 2018: Program finalized, submitters informed of acceptance or rejection of proposals

Scientific committee

Romy Parker (South Africa)
Tory Madden (South Africa)
Christine Lin (Australia)

Laura Simons (USA)

Enrique Lluch-Girbès (Spain)

Jo Nijs (Belgium)
Ivan Huijnen (Netherlands)

Call for Proposals system

Proposal submission for clinical workshops:

Abstract submission for oral presentations: