CIM Project Is is a non-profit organization project promoted by technical sports personnel from mountain activities and health personnel, who work together to promote the development and practice of physical activity and sports, aimed at the inclusion of people with disabilities, chronicity or in the aging process, as well as different groups at risk of social exclusion, such as migrants, people with low economic resources, etc. for prevention, health promotion and therapeutic intervention in the field of nature and mountains.
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Online Symposium Kankerpijn in Beweging   November 13th, 2019
Symposium Pijn na Kanker vindt plaats in Brussels health campus Jette (Zaterdag 10 oktober 2020)
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Save the Date! Pain Science in Motion IV will be held in Maastricht, the Netherlands (27-28 May 2021)
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JOIN US AT PAIN SCIENCE IN MOTION! May 31 – June 2, 2019 in Savona, Italy
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Symposium Motion in Pain   March 12th, 2018
Verschillende sprekers geven een antwoord op relevante vragen omtrent pijn bij bewegen waar clinici, therapeuten en onderzoekers mee worstelen. Symposion "Motion in Pain", 30 mei 2018 @ Auditorium Hélène Fourment.
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Inaugural lecture Enrique Lluch Girbes as visiting professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel: ‘Osteoarthritis pain: understanding pain mechanisms & combining pain neuroscience education with Mulligan manual therapy’.
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Excepcional calidad de España   August 25th, 2017
Friday, July 14, 2017 in the beautiful Aulario V, Faculty of Physiotherapy of the University of Valencia (Spain): Enrique Lluch Girbés is defending his PhD in front of an international jury of experts.
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​Recently, Dorien Goubert and Iris Coppieters obtained their PhD degree at Ghent University, Belgium. Dorien completed her PhD on studies linking peripheral (i.e., muscular) and central aspects of chronic low back pain. The title of her PhD was ‘Peripheral back muscle dysfunctions and central pain mechanisms: an innovative perspective on differences between recurrent and chronic pain’ and you can check out her publications here: Iris’ PhD, entitled ‘Relationships between cognitive deficits, central sensitization, and structural brain alterations in patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain, chronic whiplash associated disorders and fibromyalgia. Unravelling differences in underlying mechanisms’ included some of her following publications: Congratulations to both of them!
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On the 5th of July, Dr Isabel Baert, Dr Enrique Lluch en Dr Mira Meeus, all Pain in Motion members, will give a post-congress course at the World Congress of Physiotherapy (WCPT), together with Dr Ina Diener, from Stellenbosch University and University of the Western Cape.
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Het Expertisecentrum Pijn en Revalidatie, waarin Adelante en MUMC+ samenwerken op het gebied van chronische pijn, streeft naar toegankelijke revalidatiezorg bij chronische pijn voor zeer complexe en minder complexe problematiek. Hiervoor lanceert zij het Netwerk Pijnrevalidatie Limburg.
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